Thursday, September 25, 2014

September Reflection

After just a couple of months in the Masters of Pharmacology program I can already tell that I am benefitting from all that I am learning. This program has been helpful because of the material in our classes. Most of what we are learning builds off of what I learned in undergrad and therefore I am able to understand that science behind the drugs in the course. Med Pharm/Principles have been helpful because all of the information will be used in the future in med school and also as a doctor. I am glad I am getting a jump on learning this difficult topic because in Med school I will relearn all of it and hopefully it will be drilled in my head by the time I put it into use. I enjoy learning information that I know will be helpful in real practice. Our class as a whole has been able to bond and grow over the past months. I am excited to see what the rest of this year holds. I did my first hours of community service with a group of the Med Pharm class at Habitat for Humanity. I had done Habitat before in high school and so I enjoyed doing that again. I enjoyed having a group of us volunteer together as well because it gives our class time together outside of the classroom. I think I will continue to work with Habitat for the semester as well as search for other service opportunities. Everything in the program has been great so far!